Corporate Services: Partnering with BullionVault

Global reach in physical gold & silver

BullionVault owns and operates the largest online gold and silver bullion market in the world, directly serving retail clients in over 175 countries via a website in 10 languages (English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Japanese, simplified and traditional Chinese).

Headquartered in West London, and dedicated to physical bullion since launching in 2005, BullionVault is uniquely accredited and recognized. A full member of global professional body the London Bullion Market Association, BullionVault counts Augmentum Capital, the venture capital fund whose main investor is Rothschild Investment Trust (RIT Capital Partners Plc) among its private shareholders, as well as Gold Bullion Investment Trust [GBIT], a connected organisation of the World Gold Council (which aquired an 11% stake in BullionVault in 2010, and transferred that holding to GBIT in 2016 [Press release]).

Have some of your clients already chosen BullionVault?

More than 100,000 self-directed customers have now invested $4.1bn in physical gold and silver via BullionVault, choosing secure storage in London, New York, Singapore, Toronto or Zurich.

Because our trading and storage fees are unbeaten across the private-investor market, BullionVault is also recommended and used by financial services organisations to serve their retail and corporate clients. We are constantly looking for new partners and current partners include:

Dedicated to privately-owned bullion

BullionVault offers a fully automated exchange, settlement and custody service for physical gold and silver bullion. Open 24/7, rather than only during office or stockmarket hours, this service makes it possible for small-scale investors to benefit from the commercial terms of the professional large-bar market, dealing directly in US Dollars, British Pounds, Euros or Japanese Yen.

Customers make large savings compared with other retail offerings, both in dealing and insured storage costs. Buying as little as 1 gram at a time of a large, 400-ounce Good Delivery gold bar (or 1,000-ounce silver bar), the user transacts directly onto an order-matching P2P exchange via the internet, placing limit orders for physical bullion already delivered inside the vault location of their choice. Dealing commission is a maximum of 0.5%, falling to 0.05% on the largest accounts.

Alternatively, customers can buy or sell at a single daily price, the London Price published on the London Bullion Market Association's website. Charged at just 0.5% (there is an additional 0.3% currency switching fee for orders set in British Pounds, in Euros or in Japanese Yen), this route suits customers (or agents) wanting to account their investment at the globally recognized benchmark. Larger clients ($1m+) may also deal directly onto the professional market by phone, using BullionVault as their agent to transact with wholesale bullion dealers during London office hours.

All set-up, management & reporting online

All new accounts are opened online, and client validation is done via secure uploads of two or three simple documents. Trade confirmations, statements and reconciliations are processed automatically, and customer communications are entirely electronic, generating no paperwork.

BullionVault completes all accounting in real time, and it provides a daily balance sheet and instantaneous Profit & Loss to financial control. To prove that all client property is where it should be in full, BullionVault also publishes a unique Daily Audit online each working day. This reconciles a full, anonymized list of all client holdings with formal Bar Lists from the independent storage specialists who care for client property.

Ensuring there is no double-counting of material inside the vault, the Daily Audit is further verified by independent financial auditors, who confirm the documentation with each separate issuer, and also refer to a thorough annual inspection of each vault's holdings by specialist assayers.

Options for building long-term revenue

For many new ventures the existing BullionVault platform provides the necessary functionality to get started. One-third of BullionVault's 35 full-time staff are I.T. professionals, specializing in database, trading and financial settlements systems, meaning that further options can be assessed and built quickly, including:

  • Source code license
  • Serviced software
  • White label
  • API datafeed
  • Joint venture

Such options can incur significant development costs and so require investment to cover the costs.


For further information, or to discuss any aspect of BullionVault Corporate Services, please contact: