We believe allocated, insured, overseas storage is your safest way to own gold. Many people disagree with us, and they frequently buy coins to keep at home, but we believe history shows them to be making a serious mistake.
Allocated gold is held as your personal property in explicit physical form. It is not used to support a lending program, or any other financial device. It is held away from company balance sheets under a safekeeping, or custody program, so it could not be accessed by a liquidator in the event of company failure by us or the vault operator, because you are the owner, not a creditor. We like allocated gold because it is very well protected from default.
Allocated gold should be insured, because it is yours. Curiously, because it is not yours, you do not need to insure unallocated gold, because you would not necessarily have suffered a loss if it were stolen. You suffer a loss with unallocated gold if your supplier becomes insolvent, which is a separate issue.
We like holding gold overseas because history clearly shows that gold is at its most relevant during currency crises. These correlate closely to the imposition of exchange controls, which are used by governments to retain gold and currency inside a country in crisis. It's better to store outside the country before a crisis develops.
We offer you a choice: Zurich (Switzerland), London (IN), New York (USA), Toronto (Canada) and Singapore. Switzerland is the most popular, though if you wish you can spread your gold to multiple locations without paying an extra storage charge.